MELTING RING 2 (green onxy)


FRICA's products are custom-made and may take some time.
In the case of an exchange or refund based on a simple change of mind,
Please understand that it may not be possible.


925 Silver, [stone] green onxy (취마노)


Yellow Gold Plated


 5 - 21
- For both men and women. [KS Standard Size]

- Melting. With rough curves,
It's a product made of gemstones that shine softly.
It's a product that creates a mood.



프리카 (FRICA)는 
Africa nature에서 피어오르는 자유로움과
Handmade의 철학인 "Make your own bracelet"의
슬로건이 하나가 되어 One by one 
오직 한 사람만을 위한 Jewerly를 제작하여
보다 Unique 하고 높은 Quality를 선보이고 있습니다.